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Appalachian SoulFire

Unleashing Creative Expression: Empowering Ministry through Sacred Performance, Creative Arts, and Healing

Cultivating the heARTS, minds, and wellness of our Communities.

SoulFire Church Ministry

Nurturing the HeARTs, Minds, and Wellness of our Community

SoulFire Ministries is an interfaith ministry church seeking to cultivate the power of motivation, harmony, mindset, and inspiration to the lives of the communities we serve. We provide a holistic approach to healing the mind, body, soul and heart space through fundraising with our Temple Services (rituals, ceremonies, seminars), shamanic arts such as dance, song, poetry, performance, music, and creative arts, public fundraising events, personal sacred guidance and healing services. We also offer half day, all day, or multiple day classes and events with our ministers, doctors, and leaders that create powerful shifts in the collective - teaching individuals, families, and groups how to break free from blocks to wellness caused by dis-ease, anxieties, depression, and anger issues. Our unique approach to these challenges include Earth Based Spiritual and other Sacred Indigenous and Ancient Wisdom Practices. Our fundraising projects and services are designed to raise money for the ministry to continue this mission - the first of it's kind, in the East TN area!

Appalachian SoulFire
Shamanic Arts

Rediscover | Preserve | Protect | Create

At SoulFire Ministries, we recognize the profound role that Artists play as modern-day shamans. Our mission and vision are centered around redefining and bringing insight into the realm of western shamanism. Shamanism has deep roots in all of humanity and the Arts serve as a vibrant expression of the Great Mystery's work. As humans, we are created in the image of the Creator, the "Great Mage," and every form of Art possesses shamanic qualities. Whether it be indigenous and holistic medicine, storytelling, music, poetry, comedy, performing, sculpting, crafting, or awe-inspiring photography, all these artistic endeavors offer pathways for the healing of the human psyche and soul. The hand of the Divine works through us, providing a healing balm for people from all walks of life. The Arts minister to all, transcending barriers and transforming grief, anger, depression, anxiety, and fear into joy, inspiration, laughter, relief, enthusiasm, and faith. At SoulFire Ministries, we bear witness to the Divine power moving through artists and perceive it as a transformative force on multiple levels. Artists are modern shamans. A shaman is a minister, a healer, a teacher, a doctor, a leader, and careful keeper of what is sacred. All of the Arts have the ability to evoke, provoke, conjure, extract, reform, and restore humanity from the inside out. Regardless of the specific form of art, every artist dreams a new world into being through what they bring into existence, just as a shaman brings healing medicine to their tribe. The Arts, (shamanic arts), have the capacity to inspire fresh perspectives, problem-solving, and personal, communal, and global shifts towards healing. They elevate us to a higher state of wholeness, wellness, joy, enthusiasm, creativity, and passion. We firmly believe that this is an answer for a path forward - the soul fire of  the Appalachian Shamanic Artist.

SoulFire Alchemy Academy

Seminary and Wisdom School

We provide education and spiritual coaching through experiential learning programs via SoulFire Academy Academy, SoulFire Ministries' seminary and education center, expanding you through the alchemy of ancient wisdoms and "the cutting edge" including NLP techniques for a high quality life, energy medicine, shamanic arts, theology, astrology, monastic medicine, and holistic nutrition both online and in person. Our Doctors, Ministers and Practitioners are well seasoned in years with 40+ combined experience.

Our senior minister and Dean, Grace Elpatrick is a Doctor of Divinity and holds a PhD in Metaphysics. She is the founder of SoulFire Ministries, an ordained esoteric interfaith minister and shaman, a holistic coach for body, mind, and soul, as well as a singer, actress, model, storyteller, healer, reiki master, astrologer, channel, wayshower, and Near Death Experiencer. Learn more about her story here.